Join us for our Halloween Romp Play Date at Judy Holle & Roger Case’s place in Oregon City, 17640 S. Canter Lane, Oregon City, 97045.
Let your greys run in a safe fenced area. In addition to the opportunity to play, the Halloween Romp will feature contests throughout the afternoon.
There will be a Costume Contest, Bobbing for Hot Dogs and other contests. The Costume Contest will be held at 12:30 and is open to dogs & owners.
Bring your dog’s muzzle for the play area. Under current Oregon covid restrictions, masks are now required for outdoor events. Water will be provided.
Entry Fee is $10 per dog.
Merchandise will also be available for purchase. View Playdate information and rules here.
Volunteers are always needed to help us make this a safe and fun playdate – email if you can help for an hour or more.