Frequently Asked Questions
+ Do Greyhounds make good pets?
Greyhounds are a gentle, sensitive breed. They have good temperaments and make ideal house pets because they are clean, quiet, take up a small amount of space (in spite of their size), and are undemanding. A common misconception is that Greyhounds are hyperactive because they are racing dogs. Quite the opposite is true. Greyhounds need less exercise than most dog breeds. Most Greyhounds can be found lying around the house napping. This is their favorite activity. Some Greyhounds will not play with toys like some dogs do, but others can be very playful.
+ What are Greyhound breed characteristics?
Greyhound are one of the breeds known as sighthounds. They are gentle, mellow and easygoing companions with Incredible vision. Greyhounds have been bred for speed and hunting for centuries and have a life expectancy of 12-14 years or more. Their coat of short hair stays clean naturally, requiring little grooming. Colors can be solid or combinations of black, white, fawn, blue, and red, with as many shades of brindle. Greyhounds measure 26-29 inches tall at the shoulder, and weigh 55-80 pounds.
+ How are male and female Greyhounds different?
Female Greyhounds weigh 45-65 pounds and stand about 25 inches at the shoulders; males weigh 60-80 pounds and can be as large as 31 inches at the shoulders. They are considered large dogs although some small females are closer to medium size. Since racing Greyhounds come from an environment where they all have to get along, they rarely display strong territorial behavior and usually do well together in any mixture of males and females. Each dog has its own personality and traits so be sure to introduce your Greyhound to any new comer with common caution until they accept each other.
+ How old are retired racers?
Greyhounds from racetracks are usually between 3 and 5 years old. Younger dogs may have failed to qualify to race, others may have been injured and some just can’t keep up with the fastest dogs at the racetrack and are retired. We also get some Greyhounds that have been with their owners for breeding and those dogs can be older. Our older dogs are usually between 6 and 9 years old when they arrive. We also accept any Greyhound being returned from an adopter, regardless of age or condition so we will sometimes have Seniors come to us for care. All Greyhounds are welcome in our program and the owners of senior Greyhounds will tell you that they just get sweeter and better as they age.
+ Are Greyhounds good with other pets? What about small dogs and cats?
Greyhounds are well-socialized in the racing environment, but they will have typically been exposed only to other Greyhounds. Other breeds of dogs may be new to a retired racing Greyhound. Greyhounds almost always get along with medium- to large-sized dogs. However, small dogs, cats, and other small household pets may appear as prey to a Greyhound and they may chase these small animals. Each Greyhound has a different level of prey drive and our Greyhounds are “cat and small-dog tested” to determine their ability to live with cats little dogs. We usually put a Greyhound that tested well with cats in a foster home that has cats and another cat tolerant Greyhound. Most Greyhounds can adapt to cats and small dogs. Caution should be taken when introducing a Greyhound to any animal, but especially with smaller animals. They are dogs and hunters by nature so it’s always your responsibility to reinforce the training that the cats or small dogs are off-limits for the dogs.
+ What should I expect when I bring a Greyhound into my home?
Greyhounds that have spent their entire lives at the racetrack or breeding farm have never experienced things like stairs, glass doors, slick or shiny floors, and mirrors. Our foster home program is designed to give the racing Greyhounds a transition from racing life to home/pet life. The foster home will introduce them to some of these new objects. Most Greyhounds adapt quickly, but patience and understanding is important with Greyhounds. Coming to your home from a foster home is another big change for the Greyhound and you will need to reinforce what it learned in foster care. Your new dog will get to know your house, yard and all the people and other animals pretty quickly and you need to help them by being there as they explore. You will teach them what is acceptable and what is not. Greyhounds want to please their people so positive reinforcement and a gentle correction are usually all that is needed.
+ Are Greyhounds easy to obedience train?
Yes and no. Greyhounds are intelligent and eager to please so they are open to training if you use gently, positive reinforcement methods. Since they are hunters, they are always alert and focused but often lack the incentive to learn new tricks. There are Greyhounds with advanced obedience titles and national champions but your skill as a trainer has a lot to do with how much they will learn. A basic obedience class is always a good way to bond with your Greyhound and teach it the basic commands that reinforces you as pack leader and it can keep them from becoming bored. Just don’t do ANY off-leash work unless you are in a fully fenced, secure area or you will find out what a sight hound does naturally— they run. Greyhounds are extremely sensitive and intelligent animals, responding quickly to talk and touch as rewards. A stern voice quickly checks a Greyhound. NO physical punishment should be used!
+ Are Greyhounds easy to house train?
Racing Greyhounds are accustomed to being let out to relieve themselves several times a day in what are referred to as turn-outs. As a pet, a regular routine of frequent outdoor breaks, with positive verbal reinforcement when the dog relieves itself outside, will quickly establish that they are expected to go outside. You also need to teach the Greyhound that going inside the house is forbidden. The best way is to be very close to your new Greyhound for the first few days, even keeping your dog on a leash for the first day so you are never out of sight. If your new dog starts to use the house for a bathroom, you can instantly tell them NO and take them outside to the appropriate place in your yard. You can get detailed information on house training from your placement volunteer.
Some adopters have used crates to house train Greyhounds but this is not essential to successful house training. It’s safe to assume that your new Greyhound will be nervous for the first few days and will need to go outside more often. Take them outside every hour or two so they can relieve themselves. This will usually keep them from doing the wrong thing inside and reinforces the positive behavior you want from them. Help your Greyhound succeed in house training.
+ Is it true that Greyhounds can't sit?
No, but….. While a sit is not a natural position for most Greyhounds they can sit if they are taught how. Some Greyhounds have obedience titles to prove it. Greyhound hip joints are different than most dogs, which makes the way they look when sitting odd. Their rear ends never really touch the ground so it looks like they are not sitting. The benefit of these unusual hip joints is that racing Greyhounds don’t get hip Dysplasia, a damaging disease that other large breed dogs are prone to.
+ Aren't they 'wild' when they come off the race track?
Absolutely not. The trainers are sure to handle and socialize the dogs from a very early age, making them easier to deal with on a day to day basis. Greyhounds are very attached to their people and will happily accept as much attention and affection as they can get. The term “Velcro Dog” is often applied to Greyhounds fresh from the track. They never want to let you out of their sight!
+ Can Greyhounds have separation anxiety?
We reprinted this helpful article on separation anxiety by greyhound expert Dennis McKeon with his permission.
Understanding Separation Anxiety in Greyhounds
One of the most common complaints we hear from new greyhound adopters, has to do with what is known as “separation anxiety”. What it means, is that when the new adopter leaves the home, the greyhound becomes extremely stressed.
This behavior can manifest as “fretting” (hyperventilating), whining, barking, or all of the above, as well as engaging in less creative behaviors–like chewing things, and/or other not quite constructive expressions of angst or agitation. While there are sedatives that the vet may prescribe for extreme cases of anxiety, it may be of some help to look at why a greyhound might exhibit this upsetting behavior.
From the moment he or she came into this world, your greyhound was probably never alone, for even a moment. They are raised in the constant company of their dams and littermates, and while the dam will be separated at some point, the littermates usually remain together. There are often dozens of other pups on the breeder’s premises, and they are kept in kennel runs adjacent to one another, where they can be seen, barked at incessantly, and/or goaded into dashing competitions, or display-of-fierceness contests.
Then, in the racing kennel, often the litter remains together, and the larger pack is introduced to them. There, they learn to do everything in concert with their pack/colony, and their handlers, and the atmosphere is quite social.
Even in their crates, they remain in visual contact with their kennelmates and their handlers. Quite often, littermates may spend their entire lives at the same venues, with the same handlers, and remain together until one or more of them is retired.
So, is it any wonder that a newly adopted greyhound, suddenly thrust into what for them is an alien universe, full of strange things and unfamiliar people—and perhaps without the company of other greyhounds, for the first time in his life—might feel some uneasiness?
There can be much more than meets the eye to a greyhound’s anxiety. Any number of triggers might induce anxiety in the new adoptee, from the strange new objects and appliances in the home, to the new smells, sights and sounds of the neighborhood, to any of the many changes in his established and ingrained routine, to which he/she must now learn to adapt.
The most overlooked of these triggers being, that the greyhound has no idea what he did wrong to have suddenly been picked up and plopped down into this entirely new, and (often) intimidating situation. There is a blind spot among some adopters, which can fail to perceive even the possibility that the greyhound may have been perfectly happy with things as they were, as a racing athlete, one among many—a pack member.Contrary to popular greyhound mythology, the vast majority of racing greyhounds, are quite content and fulfilled doing what it is that they have been bred to do, within a colony of their peers. Working dogs are generally that way. Most relish and thrive on their work, and the physical and mental stimulation it provides.
Greyhounds prosper with routine, punctuality and repetition. They blossom when they are as free of all stresses as we can make them. But they often have some reservations about novelty. They are used to regimentation and predictability, and their whole lives have revolved around the narrower confines of the breeding, raising, training and racing environment, as opposed to the brave new world of the adopter’s home, social outlets, and leisure time activities, in which the dog may now be included. Regardless, he no longer has the outlet of training and racing to pleasantly fatigue himself, and to relieve pent up stress—a very important factor to be aware of.
The new, retired adoptee was likely already bonded to one or more of his/her handlers, and often, to one or more of their kennelmates—who are now, suddenly, gone. It’s a huge void to fill for most of them. This bonding, by the way, generally happens over a period of time, where the greyhound learns who, in their circle, can be relied upon and trusted. Just because a newly adopted greyhound may resign himself to the fact that you are his new human, and even be amenable to it, doesn’t mean that you have bonded with him–or he with you. That may or may not happen, with time, depending upon your individual greyhound’s adaptability—and your own.
The point is, of course, that separation anxiety can be more of an“I simply can’t deal with being alone, and I miss my job and my friends” anxiety—especially for the new adoptee.
Smothering the dog with toys, treats and attention won’t usually be a panacea for the anxious, newly re-homed greyhound. That elusive panacea is more likely to be routine, punctuality, stress reduction in the home environment, physically and mentally engaging the dog in stimulating, healthy activities–and time–time for the greyhound to learn to trust, to rely upon, and then to eventually bond with their new person(s).
copyright, 2017
+ Are Greyhounds aggressive?
Most Greyhounds are docile in nature and are among the gentlest of breeds. They form a very strong bond with their human family and are eager to please. Greyhounds do not make good watchdogs. Some may bark if a stranger comes near but barking is usually out of excitement.
+ If I want an outdoor dog is the Greyhound for me?
NO. Greyhounds need to be indoor pets. Because of their thin coats and lack of body fat, they cannot stand temperature extremes of hot or cold and are susceptible to hypothermia in cold weather and to the heat in the summer. Both can kill a Greyhound quickly. They can’t tolerate all day in the garage, either, especially in the summer. If you are away from your house during the day install a dog door, which will allow your Greyhound to come inside when he gets too hot or cold during the day.
Our adoption contract specifically requires you keep your Greyhound as an indoor pet.
+ Do they make good watchdogs?
No. Greyhounds usually do not make good watchdogs; their friendly nature is not very threatening and they are not territorial. They see most all humans as potential friends. Most Greyhounds don’t bark unless they are excited and someone breaking into your home may not seem that exciting to a dog. Some will bark at strange sounds or strange people but it’s not a sure thing and they certainly won’t attack anyone. The joke among Greyhound owners is that they are great watch dogs; they will watch the burglar take your things.
+ Do greyhounds make good therapy or service dogs?
Yes and No. Greyhounds are a very gentle and sweet breed and calm in nature. This makes them potentially good therapy dogs for hospital and nursing home visits. If you’d like to bring your dog to visit, please contact the facility and learn if they require therapy dog certification. Greyhounds can also be good emotional support dogs or dogs for veterans or others with PTSD. There are programs who train and certify dogs for this purpose. Greyhounds are not a good choice for services dogs for people with disabilities. They are not suited to help with mobility and because of their prey drive they are not suited to be guide dogs or service dogs for people in wheelchairs.
+ How long can a Greyhound be left alone?
We recommend that you adopt your greyhound when you are on vacation or have a long weekend to spend bonding and training your new pet. You may acclimate your Greyhound to being alone for longer and longer periods of time Remember, it’s all new to them; they have spent their life around other Greyhounds. After a few days, most Greyhounds can be left alone for several hours safely. If you need to crate your new Greyhound for the first week or two while you are acclimating it to your home, discuss this with your placement representative. They will help you to do it the right way. Greyhounds are usually comfortable in a kennel-crate if they have something to play with and soft bedding. You will probably find that your Greyhound wants to be near you instead of in a crate so you may only need to use it when you’re out. If you need to be gone for more than 4 to 6 hours, look into getting a friend or pet walking service to let your Greyhound out of the crate during the day. Also consider a dog door and safety-proofing your yard so your Greyhound can come and go outside as needed. You will find that they usually just sleep while you’re gone.
+ Don't you need a big house or yard for such a big dog?
Greyhounds will enjoy a large, fenced yard, but it is not necessary. The smaller your living space, the more you’ll need to compensate by taking more frequent walks. If a Greyhound has access to a large fenced yard on a regular basis, a weekly walk may be all he or she needs as far as exercise goes. The most important aspect of a yard is that it be fenced. If you do not have a fenced yard, you will need to leash your Greyhound for daily walks.
+ Are Greyhounds suited to apartment/condo living?
We generally prefer to place them in houses with a yard. Most apartments and condos don’t have secured outdoor areas where a Greyhound can relieve itself and exercise. That means you would have to do the extra work to take your Greyhound out 4 to 5 times a day to relieve itself and to get some exercise. Greyhounds don’t require much indoor space; just enough to have a soft bed and their food and water bowls. They are happy to share your couch and bed if you let them. They love to be near people. An older dog might be easier to handle since they don’t require as much exercise as a younger dog. However, stairs can be an issue for any Greyhound.
+ Can I trust my Greyhound off leash?
NO, Never! Greyhounds must always be on a leash when outdoors and not in a secure fenced area. Greyhounds are sight hounds and can see clearly for a half mile. If they see something of interest, they can be gone in an instant and pay no attention to your calls to stop or return. They have no knowledge of streets, cars or traffic. Greyhounds love to run, and within a secure fenced area, it is perfectly OK.
+ Do Greyhounds have special grooming needs?
No, Greyhounds are very easy to care for. They have a single layer coat of short hair that needs very infrequent washing. Greyhounds typically do not have the “doggy” smell that other breeds have because of their short coat and thin skin. Greyhounds don’t shed every season like some dogs; they lose hair all year in small quantities. A gentle brushing with a soft brush or even petting them with your hands will remove the loose hair and keep their coat shining. It is recommended that you brush your Greyhound’s teeth frequently with canine toothpaste and a canine toothbrush to discourage plaque buildup and gum disease. Their nails need to be trimmed every now and then; usually every two weeks will be great. Overall, there are no expensive grooming bills to keep up with when you have a Greyhound.
+ What if I’m allergic to dogs? Can I get a Greyhound?
Most people that are allergic to dogs are fine with Greyhounds and a few other breeds that don’t have long fur or excessive dander (dead skin). Greyhounds don’t have the same dander chemistry as most dogs; so many people who are allergic to other dogs can often live with Greyhounds. It also depends how strong your allergic reaction is, consult an allergy specialist or your doctor to discuss whether it’s safe for you and if there is a medical treatment you can take that will allow you to live comfortably with a Greyhound. Try spending some time with Greyhounds to see how you react before you commit to an adoption. It’s better to find out before you adopt than after when you might need to return your Greyhound pet.
+ Why do some dogs have little or no hair on their rear thighs and tails or rough spots on their elbows?
Greyhounds spend a great deal of time lying down in their racing kennels, which can wear their hair away. After adoption, the hair sometimes grows back, but not always. A Greyhound that wags its tail a lot inside the kennel-crate will wear away the hair on each vertebra in its tail. It looks like bald patches all the way down the tail. Usually, once the dog lives in a home and not in a kennel-crate, the hair will grow back.
+ How important is exercise for my Greyhound?
A Greyhound is an athlete like any other athlete and when they retire, they no longer need the exercise and training they did when they were racing. Greyhounds adapt well to life as a pet and need no more than a romp in the backyard and an occasional walk in the park to keep them fit. You will be able to feed them less than when they were racing and carefully monitor their weight so they don’t become overweight. A fat Greyhound is not a happy Greyhound, consult your veterinarian for proper weight but remember that Greyhounds are most healthy at very lean weights.
+ Are Greyhounds good with children?
Greyhounds are typically not well-suited to living with very small children. Greyhound Pet Adoption Northwest does not adopt our greyhounds to homes with children younger than 5. This is both for the well-being of the children and the dogs. Children who can understand that dogs that may have space issues or issues when sleeping, and that greyhound play style is not conducive to wrestling and rough play are ideal. Once children are over 5, they can usually be a part of caring for a dog and will understand the rules of dog care.
Greyhounds on the track have probably never interacted with children. That said, most Greyhounds are very patient and will be fine with older children.. Your Placement Volunteer should be able to identify available Greyhounds that will tolerate or even enjoy children. Any household with both Greyhounds and children needs to be aware of the special needs that Greyhounds have, like keeping doors and gates to the outside closed at all times.
+ Do Greyhounds dig?
Each dog is an individual. Most Greyhounds will choose to stay out in the yard only for a short time, unless you are out there with them. They truly are “people” dogs. Digging is rarely a problem but occasionally we hear of a dog that is a “miner” and likes to dig. Usually a dog digs to find fresh soil and cool ground to use as a bed. There are strategies to stop digging but talk to your placement volunteer if you’re having problems with digging.
+ They are called sight hounds, but how good is their eye sight?
Greyhounds have a 270-degree field of vision, which is quite impressive (our range is only 180 degrees). Their eye placement and vision not only allow them see objects behind them but also over a half-mile out in front! That’s a reason to never let your Greyhound off-leash unless you’re in a secure, fenced area. Your Greyhound will see something tiny a half mile away and be off on a hunt before you even notice. You will never catch up and the chances of your Greyhound being injured or killed are very high. Be safe, enjoy and marvel at your Greyhound’s sight and running ability, but never let your guard down.
+ Can Greyhounds swim?
Greyhounds, like other dogs, are able to paddle to swim. But a Greyhound is very lean (usually less than 4% body fat) so they are not very buoyant. They have very short hair, which makes them less buoyant than a dog with long, thick fur and their short coat does not insulate them well from cold water. While the Greyhound can swim, they also become tired very quickly. Remember that they are sprinters, not marathon runners. They will get tired within a minute or so and can easily drown if not helped or wearing a life vest. Treat them like small children around a pool; never take your eyes off of them. If you boat with your Greyhound, be sure it wears an appropriate flotation device at all times.
+ Why do I see people muzzling their Greyhounds at get-togethers?
Their racing instinct is based on a well-developed prey drive. When you have a group of Greyhounds together, especially unfamiliar ones, it is advisable to muzzle them to prevent accidental bites. Greyhounds are not dog aggressive, but when excited may nip at others. Don’t let the muzzles lull you into a false sense of security. You must still monitor a group of muzzled Greyhounds since it’s possible to catch ears through a muzzle and so on. Muzzling is a sensible precaution if you are dealing with a group of Greyhounds. Racing Greyhounds are used to wearing a muzzle.
+ Does Greyhound Pet Adoption NW microchip greyhounds before they are adopted?
We do not microchip greyhounds before adoption. Greyhounds who have raced will have ear tattoos to identify them as part of a national database, as well as a GPANW database. Each greyhound also gets an ID tag with a unique number when they enter foster care. If you’d like to get your greyhound chipped after adoption please go to a qualified veterinarian who is familiar with greyhounds. Greyhounds have very thin skin and very low body fat and only an experienced vet should chip your greyhound to avoid serious complications.
+ Who can I call if I have questions about my Greyhound?
If you adopted your Greyhound from Greyhound Pet Adoption Northwest, you should have the telephone number for the Placement Volunteer that helped you with your adoption. If not, call toll-free 800-767-5139 or 503-784-1285, or send us an email by using our Contact Form and choosing the appropriate recipient from the drop-down menu at the center of that page.
+ What are the differences between racing (National Greyhound Association, NGA) and show (AKC) Greyhounds?
In general, racing Greyhounds are a little smaller (shorter and less heavy) than the show dogs. Racing Greyhounds are more heavily muscled in the rear and their necks and heads are not as slender and exaggerated as the show Greyhounds’ are. Those are the physical differences. There tend to be some strong behavioral differences, but these are due to the upbringing that each type of dog receives rather than actual genetic differences.
+ Why do racing Greyhounds have tattooed ears?
Identification. U.S. racing Greyhounds are purebred dogs that are registered with the National Greyhound Association (NGA). The left ear tattoo contains the Greyhound’s registration number, which is unique to the entire litter of dogs born together; the right ear tattoo contains their birth date and a letter that denotes the exact dog in the litter. There may be nine dogs with the same left ear tattoo but each one will have the same date in their right ear with a different letter. The Greyhound racing data website (www.greyhound-data.org) contains detailed information about every dog’s pedigree and racing history, including those bred in Ireland, England and Australia. You can learn more about your Greyhounds history and where it’s littermates and parents might be. It’s fun to find out one of your Greyhounds littermates lives near you.
+ Is it true that Greyhounds can't sit?
No. While a sit is not a natural position for most Greyhounds they can sit if they are taught how. Some Greyhounds have obedience titles to prove it. Greyhound hip joints are different than most dogs, which makes the way they look when sitting odd. Their rear ends never really touch the ground so it looks like they are not sitting. The benefit of these unusual hip joints is that racing Greyhounds don’t get hip Dysplasia, a damaging disease that other large breed dogs are prone to.
+ Can I adopt/buy a Greyhound puppy?
Occasionally, we will get a puppy that can’t race for some reason.. Greyhound puppies are extremely energetic, like any puppy but more so. They are sprinters with powerful muscles so even as puppies; they are a lot to handle.